Home > Artworks > Jensy José Ferreiras

Photo of Jensy José Ferreiras Dominican Republic

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Jensy Ferreiras José Rodríguez is a young Dominican artist who works between plastic, illustration and graphic design. He was born in the northern city of Moca Espaillat Province, Dominican Republic, on 16 February 1987.

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2014, Performance en la Calle, Monumento a los Héroes de la Restauración, Santiago, 2014.
  • 2013, Exposición centenario natalicio del Poeta Nacional Pedro Mir, Casa De Arte, 2013
  • 2013, Exposición Arte Vivo “30 años de Casa de Arte”, 2013
  • 2011, Concurso de Afiches de Carnaval \"Vive tu Carnaval 2011\" Palacio Consistorial, Santiago.
  • 2010, Exposición \"El Cibao Pinta\" CONANI, Palacio Consistorial, Santiago.
  • 2008, 3ra Exposición de artes plásticas \"Nuestra Señora del Rosario 2008\" Benemérita Logia Perseverancia #13, Moca

Awards received

  • 2012, Reconocimiento \"Licencia para Crear\", Semana del Arte 2012-2,CURSA-UASD.
  • 2012, Reconocimiento \"Por Amor al Arte\", Semana del Arte 2012-1,CURSA-UASD.
  • 2011, Mención Honorífica, Concurso de Afiches de Carnaval \"Vive tu Carnaval 2011\" Palacio Consistorial, Santiago.
  • 2011, Mencion Honorífica, Concurso de Afiches del Concurso de Caretas \" Don Tomás Morel 2011\" Palacio Consistorial, Santiago.
  • 2011, Reconocimiento \"Lluvia de Ideas\", Semana del Arte 2011-2,CURSA-UASD.
  • 2011, Reconocimiento \"Explosión Creativa\", Semana del Arte 2011-1,CURSA-UASD.

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12.99 x 18.90 in
15.00 x 30.00 in

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Photo of Jensy José Ferreiras Dominican Republic

Republic , on 16 February 1987. Fathers Nelfa Isabel Rodríguez Torres and Francisco Salvador Ferreiras Almanzar .

Performs basic and secondary studies at the Salesian Don Bosco College in his hometown . Institution in which then serves as professor of drawing and painting for children . He graduated with honor merit.

Since very little is attracted to the picture and enters the school of Fine Arts Orbe Gabriel - his hometown- at age 11 , where he remained for 1 year.

He studied painting for a year and a half in the Yoryi Morel Escuela de Bellas Artes , Santiago de los Caballeros, leaving school to pursue a career in Advertising at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo - Santiago enclosure CURSA - UASD.

He holds a BA in Advertising from that university.
Actively participates in group exhibitions and manages various means of artistic expression.

Currently working as a painter , illustrator and graphic designer in the city of Santiago de Los Caballeros, Dominican Republic .

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